
구독 해주세요!
From hardware to software,
I'm System Engineer
B.S. @Dankook University, School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University Engineering Innovation Center. Creative Comprehensive Design Competition (Nov. 2021)
College Student Code-it Coding Camp 5th (an Outstanding Activist)
Comento Course - Designing Semiconductor Circuits (CHIPs) with Eyes
IDEC_ Deep Learning Foundation and Design(Jul. 2022)
IDEC_ Verilog HDL Basic and Deep Learning Neural Network Design(Jul. 2022)
IDEC_ Embedded System Design Based on FPGA(Aug. 2022)
IDEC_ Embedded Memory (SRAM) Foundation(Jan. 2023)
IDEC_ Artificial Intelligence Acceleration Processor(Feb. 2023)
IDEC_ CUDA-based GPU programming foundation(Jul. 2023)
IDEC_ Layout Design for Full Custom IC Design(Jul. 2023)
Udemy_ 객체지향 프로그래밍 및 설계(Java)
Udemy_ Android 12 및 Kotlin 개발 완전 정복
Udemy_ Git & Github 실무 활용 완벽 가이드
Udemy_ The Web Developer 부트캠프 2023
Udemy_ High-Level Synthesis for FPGA, Part 1-Combinational Circuits
인프런_ 설계독학맛비's 실전 FPGA를 이용한 HW 가속기 설계
인프런_ 설계독학맛비's 실전 AI HW 설계를 위한 바이블, CNN 연산 완전정복